The Color Intelligence Trend book is the sociological and creative authority that uses exclusive photographs and color palettes to provide a cross-sector interpretation of the new esthetics. Sociological insights, portraits of emerging talents, 50 colors presented on yarns and fabrics and dozens of different harmonies analyze color through the lens of today’s mood. 

The season’s theme is PHANTASMS !

Some exceptionally talented people have contributed to this new edition:

  • Les Crafties, the duo created by Jeanne Martin-Taton and Marie-Marie Vergne, whose motifs dress up every kind of space. The iconic element of their repertory is the panorama which constitutes a vast domestic theatre.

  • Alexandre Dufour and François Le Vaillant (NellyRodi interview), creators of the Parisian label Côtelé, sing the praises of corduroy in all its states in lines of trending and committed workwear.

  • Audrey Ballacchino, an artist of Sicilian heritage who explores folk art and tradition through ceramics. Her objects may borrow from the world of funerary art or tableware and converge to establish an open space of allusion.

  • Samantha Kerdine, a ceramic artist who explores her obsessional quest for uniting the sleek and regular with the strange and the bizarre in her private life and artistic work alike.
