2021: A new year is starting.
NewsThe beginning of a new year always holds out the promise of renewal.
We are done with 2020, a year fraught with uncertainty, disbelief and a yearning for creative regeneration. Now it’s time for a fresh start!
At NellyRodi, we prefer concrete initiatives to resolutions that won’t be kept.
We believe that hope and a healthy dose of optimism can drive innovation and inventiveness.
And that is a good thing because, in 2021, collective and individual creativity are going to be even more important than ever before.
Creativity is what produces forward-reaching vision and lays the groundwork for the future to make it more virtuous, equitable and eco-responsible.
This year, we will redouble in energy and pragmatism, working hand in hand with you to develop successful brand platforms, collections and activation plans.
We also believe in concentration, i.e. to:
– avoid energy dispersion/loss and dissension in everyday work
– see concentration as an antidote to commentary
– prefer a thought-based process to an anecdotal one
– focus on historic areas of expertise, refrain from caricature and avoid gimmick marketing
– focus on – and become more high-minded thanks to – culture, art and the infinite power of images and words, taking inspiration from the past as well as the present.
Today, many brands must reinvent themselves quickly in crisis mode. For the creative industries, far-reaching transformations were inevitable, but the public health crisis has forced them to step up the pace.
Let’s keep in mind that agility never means precipitation and recall that real progress always results from combining enlightened intuition with scientific rationality.
So let’s all take heart, roll up our sleeves and get to work, pulling together to create a brighter outlook for 2021.
Wishing you all a happy season!