We use precision and sensitivity to recommend orientations that are well-founded and inspired.

Forecasting pioneer NellyRodi is an expert strategic consulting and consumer trends agency for the creative industries. We help businesses, their deciders and their teams – from defining their brand strategy all the way to operational deployment.
We meet clients’ objectives for results and we use our creativity, engagement and conviction to help brands. In this process we apply rigorous, finely-tuned methods, putting our consumer expertise and passion for the creative industries to work enhancing brands’ desirability.
We were the first to put aesthetic trends in perspective with consumer trends and to broaden the spectrum of trends to the Beauty and Decoration sectors.

We offer three types of services, letting us work with our clients on topics from from defining a winning business model up to providing operational support to everyone involved in bringing a product to market.
Seasonal and annual trendbooks
For discovering inspiration, understanding the evolution of consumer behavior, starting a collection or finding an idea for sales activation or a collaboration with a creative talent.
Sector studies
Sector studies help you completely understand the major business stakes for the creative industries and quickly set up concrete solutions.
Consulting missions
We provide customized assistance to senior and middle management on subjects concerning brands, product offers and 360° creative strategies.
Our consulting services are built on several elements:
- Target and client analyses, generational studies and consumer studies
- CSR strategy (purpose, mission…)
- Scenario planning (the major strategic orientations for businesses)
- Brand platforms
- Product platforms
- Creative strategy platform
- 360° activation plans
- Collectionning
- Identification of creative talents

In coherence with our clients’ expertise, our teams split up into two complementary poles which communicate constantly. The Business Pole is organized by sector (fashion, beauty, lifestyle, consumer goods); and the Inspiration Pole is organized by expertise (strategic planning, insights, creative direction, graphics, style).
Our teams work closely with related innovative agencies, and together they set up high-performance tools for data (Linkfluence, Episto, LuxuryInsights) or CSR (Tekyn, FairlyMade). Through these partnerships we create powerful and daring method-based connections, and we use them to give brands 360° vision and direction.
Our expertise, our activity and our presence is international, and we have offices in Paris with branches in New York and Tokyo. Using our Paris location as headquarters, our international partners (sales agents and local experts) guarantee our leadership position in Asia (Japan, China, Korea) and Europe (France, Spain, Italy). Thanks to this extensive organization, we can mobilize local networks around the world.
We work closely with clients in every sector. As a respected partner in the creative industries, we assist all businesses that want to understand our era and be engaged in a relevant way.
Our clients, whether family businesses, established groups or DNVBs, come to us for concrete, innovative answers to their problems with professional challenges, organization, distribution, brands, product offer or image.