Visuel 3D Women Stories


Number of pages : : 110 pages

Dimensions : 37 x 28 x 7 cm

Weight : 2,2 kg

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This trendbook dedicated to women's ready-to-wear gives brands the inspiration they need to create collections of desirable, responsible apparel and textile accessories as well as the connected stories, communication materials, and events. Women's Stories interprets the current mood and consumer desires through key colors, prints, materials, shapes, silhouettes, and cultural references to give your business's creatives a starting point for their projects.

Number of pages : : 110 pages

Dimensions : 37 x 28 x 7 cm

Weight : 2,2 kg



Roue des profils consommateurs

Four inspiring themes

Women’s Stories is organized into four inspirational angles. Each one is depicted by color harmonies, visual atmospheres, and words to cover every consumer desire – for every consumer profile. Page after page, you’re immersed in a unique universe that helps you make the right creative choices to match your brand’s DNA with upcoming esthetic trends.

Couleurs clés Women

The season's key colors and products

Every season NellyRodi develops 45 exclusive, highly desirable colors for the different Women’s Stories themes. They’re organized into a range of palettes to help you invent new combinations and renew your customers’ interest in your products. The trendbook also includes a selection of the season’s essential fashions you can interpret in different colors and materials.

Stimulations sensorielles Women

Sensorial stimulation

The Women’s Stories trendbook is designed to be a creative catalyst. We worked with neuroscientists to make a tool that stimulates your senses, emotions, and brain. That happens with a choice of very powerful images, carefully edited semantic fields, vibrantly colored fabrics, materials to touch and even hear, and multiple cultural references to heighten your knowledge and awareness.

Travailler à partir d'un cahier de tendances As an individual

As an individual

  • Take time to absorb tomorrow’s most important trends.
  • Discover new talents and new cultural references.
  • Orient your creative choices – for collections and their stories – for the coming season.
Utiliser un cahier de tendances avec son équipe

As a team

  • Meet as a group using the same tool to energize the senses and imagination.
  • Work together to draw out the main directions and agree on the same vision.
  • Collectively generate original concepts for your collections, communication, events, and more.
Prendre du recul sur votre stratégie créative avec un expert agence de conseil

With a NellyRodi expert

  • Go deeper into the season’s trends with the people who detect and analyze them.
  • Get a fresh perspective on your creative strategy.
  • Take your ideas even further and perfect your concepts.

Le mot d'ordre :THINK SENSATIONALA desire for appeasement drives us to combine and integrate concepts that are generally considered contradictory

nexus thème



Futuristic spirituality



Emotional technology


Tribes thème


Primal instinct



Archaic gestures

Extraordinary nature

Pompe faste


Decorator spirit

Offbeat opulence

1970’s revival

Excesses & decomplexion


Anomalie thème






Joyful strangeness

Deux personnes qui discutent illustration

Understanding consumers

Every season our teams of sociologists and ethnologists analyze how consumers’ lifestyles, tastes, and values are evolving. These quantitative and qualitative studies guarantee the pertinence of the themes, stories, semantic choices, and cultural references throughout this TrendBook.

Planet illustration

Detecting emerging trends

We’re very lucky: part of our job is testing all the innovations, meeting the most inspiring designers, attending new exhibits, watching what’s emerging on social media … By bringing together cultural experts of all ages, we’re able to detect the signals from all over the world that will form the future.

Cahier de tendances illustration

Creating the best tool for you

This trendbook is made to be the ultimate tool for creatives. A creative committee defines the season’s esthetic trends, color specialists establish the related ranges, and talented photographers create exclusive images – all for a maximum dose of relevance, inspiration, and creative stimulation.

Logo RSE NellyRodi illustration

Creating beauty and goodness

This trendbook is designed to be your partner in a creative process that respects the planet and people. The trends presented are in line with brands’ CSR goals; the materials and fabrics are, for the most part, from responsible channels; and the trendbook itself is made by Parisian artisans with unique savoir-faire in dyeing, printing, and production.

21,1 kg

of CO2 emissions per trendbook or the equivalent of:

1,5 chaussure

Pairs of tennis shoes

4,5 T shirt


Our efforts to reduce our trendbooks' impact

We know we aren’t perfect, but we’re very concerned about doing everything possible to lessen our impact on the planet.

Here are some things we’ve already accomplished:

  • We use recycled paper and cardboard.
  • We’ve eliminated plastic packaging and replaced it with organic, compostable materials.
  • We’ve chosen 100% recycled ink.
  • Our fabrics are sourced and dyed in France using responsible processes.
  • There’s no dead stock. Our trendbooks are systematically recycled by ESAT L’Envol, who employs 135 disabled workers.
See all trend books
agence NellyRodi Grand Salon

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