Gen Z, spiritual and connected
DecodingsWars; financial, health and environmental crises; overconsumption; technological overload; the decline of religion and corruption in positions of power – we can’t cope with the modern world. As protection against this instability, Gen Z (born between 1996 and 2010) is turning to a new form of spirituality. NellyRodi Consultant Ophélie Lepert, who specializes in insights (and Gen Z), explains the phenomenon.
In a world where everything appears to be falling apart, it can seem complicated to find references, especially for young people. A new belief system promoted by Gen Z on social media is emerging. And with it, new, flexible rituals encourage self-care and a way to find solutions for the future.
This versatile, polymorphic relationship with spirituality is built up gradually through reading and watching videos and then rounded out by each person according to their needs. In line with the alternative education concept, which maintains that, thanks to internet, we have unlimited access to knowledge, we are free to choose and even direct our own learning process.
Ancient beliefs, such as witchcraft, the use of stones, astrology and the study of lunar cycles, are very popular. On TikTok, users act like oracles and share their full moon rituals: if the stars are in position X, use ritual Y. Astrology is no longer limited to horoscopes that define our destiny, instead it’s used as a method for better knowing and understanding ourselves. Applications like Co-Star (among others) are daily companions and help us improve ourselves by giving suggestions and advice about what to do or avoid according the planets’ positions and their impact on our lives.

More aligned with ecology, this spirituality 2.0 states that all natural elements (plants, minerals, animals and so people as well) possess energy, and that by interacting with them, we can shape our future. It’s the manifestation principle, based on affirming what we want in order to acquire it and who we want to be in order to become that person. Thanks to these self-affirmations, Gen Zers no longer passively face a world they don’t like, instead they’re regaining mastery of their destiny.
During the quarantines, routines became an important part of the lives of Gen Z, who look for ways to become a little more grounded in a reality they find confusing. The growth of the slow movement and shadow work (an introspective practice of stepping back from a problem in order handle it with greater perception) is now an integral part of this generation’s habits.
All these approaches help us take back control of how we perceive the world and of our personal development. Social media and especially TikTok provide support groups and help meet the problems of this immense community. Ambitious and constantly questioning themselves, Gen Z is using this new spirituality to increase awareness about how they want to move forward in their lives and the goals they hope to achieve.
Do you need help understanding and learning how to work with Gen Z?
Attend “La GenZ domine t-elle le monde?” (“Does Gen Z rule the world?”), our Creative Journey event on 20 September.