The Color Intelligence Trend book is the sociological and creative authority that uses exclusive photographs and color palettes to provide a cross-sector interpretation of the new esthetics. Sociological insights, portraits of emerging talents, 50 colors presented on yarns and fabrics and dozens of different harmonies analyze color through the lens of today’s mood. 

The season’s theme is Projection! 

Some exceptionally talented people have contributed to this new edition:

  • Photographer and artist-researcher Smith, who has participated in the Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles and the Planches Contact Festival in Deauville, invented a cosmic, poetic, fantasy universe for us.

  • Grégoire Willerval-Scotomalab is a designer, patternmaker and specialist in digitalizing fashion who also adheres to CSR principles. He designed 3D accessories for the Trend book. His creative process shortens production schedules for prototypes and reduces the time needed to generate visuals of collections.

  • Artist Stéphane Margolis used his esthetic vision and highly creative, socially relevant approach to make extraordinary totems using found materials and objects

  • Multidisciplinary designer Alexia Venot focuses on environmental, social and societal issues. Her sustainably produced objects are an answer to our era’s challenges
