The Color Intelligence Trend book is the sociological and creative authority that uses exclusive photographs and color palettes to provide a cross-sector interpretation of the new esthetics. Sociological insights, portraits of emerging talents, 50 colors presented on yarns and fabrics and dozens of different harmonies analyze color through the lens of today’s mood. 

The season’s theme is ELSEWHERE !

Some exceptionally talented people have contributed to this new edition:

  • Yasmine Sfar and Medhi Kebaier are the designers behind the Tunisian brand Tinja that celebrates the ancestral savoir-faire of pottery, basketry, weaving, and sculpted wood in pieces boasting contemporary, masterfully designed lines.

  • Louise Skadhauge from Maison Louno is a creative entrepreneur passionate about wellbeing. She explores the power of plants and the benefits that daily rituals provide both in terms of taste and wellness.

  • Cécile Omani from Maison Omani, is a traveler and a scout. She explores Africa in the searchof exceptional artisans and unique, one-off pieces. Traveling with an eye for encounters is at the heart of what she does.

  • Ali Rakib, founder of Forweavers and a champion for the protection of intangible goods, sourced ethical and responsible materials for this trend book.
