Number of pages : 172

Dimensions : 42 x 32 x 7 cm

Weight : 2,8 kg

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This yearly, cross-sector trendbook interprets new consumer behaviors and emerging attitudes, values, and lifestyles. It communicates societal evolutions with a future-focused look at design, home decor, architecture, art, retail, mobility, fashion, food, beauty, electronics, leisure activities, and more. This wide scope gives your company's innovation, marketing, and strategy professionals the keys to anticipate disruptions, identify new growth areas, and stay ahead of the competition.

Number of pages : 172

Dimensions : 42 x 32 x 7 cm

Weight : 2,8 kg



Life style cahier de tendances année 2026

4 consumer archetypes

The Life & Style trendbook is organized around 4 consumer archetypes that synthesize society’s major evolutions: new aspirations, consumer behavior, relationship to environmental and social issues, modes of communication and new ways of living.

This segmentation of tomorrow’s customers will help you stay one step ahead in terms of your product and service offering, your marketing strategy and your brand image.

Tisser des grands récits

Revolutionary inspirations

All year round, NellyRodi’s experts scour the planet in search of the most avant-garde initiatives: those that foreshadow tomorrow’s world.

These initiatives are grouped into 11 major fields of creativity: Art, Architecture, Decoration, Design, Retail, Mobility, Technology, Fashion, Beauty, Gastronomy and Leisure.

They are accompanied by a selection of multiple portraits of new personalities to follow – artists, craftsmen, designers and engineers.

Déchets composits

Sensory stimulation

The Life & Style trendbook is designed as a catalyst for creativity: we’ve worked with neuroscientists to ensure that this tool awakens your senses, your emotions and your brain. This is achieved through a choice of powerful images, carefully selected semantic fields, materials to touch and even hear, and a host of cultural references to stimulate your knowledge and sensitivity.


What's new ?

– Interview with a doctor of neuroscience

– The 15 hot topics of 2026 presented in easy-to-understand “cross-cutting stories” (why 2026 and what opportunities arise from it?)

– From MEGATRENDS to TRENDS: a new approach to deciphering the future

– Our bias has been asserted and structured to offer a clearer and more precise vision: From Trends to business

– The CSR dimension (materials & talent references) reinforced by our membership of the B Corp community

Translated with (free version)

As an individual

  • Take time to absorb tomorrow’s most important trends.
  • Discover new talents and new cultural references.
  • Orient your creative choices – for collections and their stories – for the coming year.

As a team

  • Meet as a group using the same tool to energize the senses and imagination.
  • Work together to draw out the main directions and agree on the same vision.
  • Collectively generate original concepts for your products, services and all your customer contact points.

With a NellyRodi expert

  • Go deeper into the season’s trends with the people who detect and analyze them.
  • Get a fresh perspective on your creative strategy.
  • Take your ideas even further and perfect your concepts.

Le mot d'ordre :FOCUSRefocusing on essential priorities for a better understanding of a complex, teeming world.

Profil nommé les recodeurs


Sacralize norms

Be solidary and select

Revalue effort

Profil nommé les fantasques


Cultivate gentleness

Access ourselves

Weave grand tales


Profil nommé les affranchis


Express our dark side

Seize opportunities

Boost our “creactivity”

Profil nommé les radicaux


Decode beliefs

Exalt isolation

Solve through excess

29,4 kg

kg of CO2 emissions per trendbook or the equivalent of:


Pairs of tennis shoes



Our efforts to reduce our trendbooks' impact

We know we aren’t perfect, but we’re very concerned about doing everything possible to lessen our impact on the planet.

Here are some things we’ve already accomplished:

  • We use recycled paper and cardboard.
  • We’ve eliminated plastic packaging and replaced it with organic, compostable materials.
  • We’ve chosen 100% recycled ink.
  • Our fabrics are sourced and dyed in France using responsible processes.
  • There’s no dead stock. Our trendbooks are systematically recycled by ESAT L’Envol, who employs 135 disabled workers.
See all trend books
agence NellyRodi Grand Salon

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